If I could change the world I would not wish for everyone's chances to be the same. I would not wish away poverty or pain. If our trails are our chance to grow, to develop and reach our goals, then give me more! I want to reach the stars! But to do that I need to climb over the mountain of trails that I've beat down and kicked over, and use them as my own personal staircase of success.
If I could wish for anything I might wish for the strength and endurance of a warrior. Then when challenges come my way I would meet them with a 22 gauge shotgun. When the time comes to evaluate my life's test I'd look the administrator in the eye and know that I passed with flying colors. I know that.
But I also know that people do not understand. There are people within the sound of my voice who would wish away the worlds sorrows. Please do not think that way.
Someone once said that the only difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is how you use it. If you believe that, then the people with the hardest trails are the ones that can rise highest above the world. They are the ones who will truely reach the Heavens, not I.
So look around you, see the world through new eyes. It is in soup kitchens and hospitals that the greatest human potential exists. It is in poverty and pain that the skies are opened up to us and our limiting shackles of selfishness removed.
If I could wish for anything, I would wish that people could see themselves that way, the way I do, and that would change the world.
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